What You’ll Gain

  • You will be able to design programs that enhance employee satisfaction, productivity, and engagement.

  • An understanding of the importance of prioritizing employee well-being in driving organisational performance and success.

  • The ability to identify and address conflicts within the workplace while promoting a culture of trust and open communication among teams.

  • Critical organisational insights through powerful Survey Instrument analytics.

Course curriculum

    1. The Power of Prioritizing Employee Well-being: Exploring the link between employee well-being and organizational success.

    2. Study Concierge

    3. Feelings Wheel Downloadable Instrument

    4. Employee Preparedness Assessment: Handling Stress, Relating to Others, and Making Decisions

    5. About Survey Questions.

    6. Summary and Key Takeaways

    1. Uncovering Underlying Factors: Addressing conflicts that hinder workplace well-being and promoting meaningful connection.

    2. Bonus Video: Leadership Silos and Conflicts to Change

    3. Test Your Knowledge

    4. Exploring Communication Challenges and Well-being Initiatives: Organizational Survey

    5. Summary and Key Takeaways

    1. Fostering a Culture of Trust: Building trust, promoting transparent communication, and enhancing purpose at work

    2. Study Concierge

    3. SCPT Reflection Exercise

    4. Summary and Key Takeaways

    1. Survey Questions Note to Participants

    2. Enhancing Employee Well-being: A Comprehensive Survey Analysis

    3. Consultant Report: Complete Analysis to Survey Instrument (Optional)

About this course

  • $497.00
  • 22 lessons
  • Powerful Survey Instruments

Transformative experiences to gain valuable insights for creating a supportive work environment that empowers your employees to thrive.

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Course Bonuses

In addition to full course access. You will also receive:

  • Dedicated AI Study Concierge

    Reflect on core concepts and ideas with powerful AI support

  • Online Community Members Access

    Join like-minded experts for discussion in our member-only forum.

  • Consultancy Follow-up and Support

    One Hour call to reflect on survey instruments and analysis.

30-Days Free Course Access with Corporate Code on Checkout